Visceral therapy – therapy of scars, adhesions and covers of internal organs
If you’re suffering from chronic back pain, can’t get pregnant, or have had abdominal surgery, you might be wondering what visceral therapy is.
Visceral therapy can often help where other methods fail.
The author of this method is Jean Pierre Barral, a French osteopath and physiotherapist. The story tells that a long time ago, a patient came to Jean Barral who had a severe back pain. Barral tried to help him, but was unsuccessful. They didn’t see each other for a while. After some time, he met the patient and asked him how he was doing. He replied that very well, but not thanks to Barral’s treatment. He is said to have gone somewhere in the mountains, where a local healer pressed his hand on his stomach, and since then his difficulties have subsided. Barral was very impressed by his testimony and became interested in this strange phenomenon. Over time, he perfected the method of „pushing the hand on the belly“ to masterful perfection and thus created „visceral therapy“.
And how does this method work?
The internal organs are not stored freely in the abdominal cavity, but are suspended in envelopes or attached by means of ligamentous stripes to other structures. If there is inflammation, surgery or a change in the function of any structure, through the tension of these ligaments, the disorder can be transferred further, to seemingly unexpected and unrelated places.
For example, how could adhesions in the small intestine area be related to back pain? The answer can be found precisely in the anatomical arrangement of the abdominal cavity. The small intestine is attached by the membrane to the radix mesentery, which is located in front of the second to fifth lumbar vertebra. The contraction formed in the area of the small intestine is thus transmitted to the area of the lumbar spine. The structures around the lumbar spine are then exposed to unnatural mechanical influences that affect their function. Over time, such a strained area of the back may begin to hurt…
So how can a similar download be released?
Visceral therapy is a very gentle and targeted method. With the help of slow and sensitively guided pressures and strokes, the therapist releases the contracted structures, thereby helping to balance the tension in the abdominal cavity and the proper functioning of the surrounding structures.
In which cases is visceral therapy appropriate?
– condition after surgery in the abdomen or pelvis
– functional sterility
– gastroaesophageal reflux, stomach pain
– pain in the musculoskeletal system
– headache
– constipation, adhesions in the abdominal cavity
– and other…
If you have any questions about this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us.