Coaching at Be Balanced
How do we understand coaching?
We understand coaching as a process in which the client gets the opportunity to discover his maximum potential, realize the barriers that prevent the full use of unique potential and talents so that at the end of the coaching process the client can become the best possible version of himself.
Coaching is not advisory, but a guide. The coach helps the client to realize what he wants to achieve, what prevents him from doing so, what his options are for change and to accompany him on the journey through this change.
Who is coaching for?
Coaching is intended for everyone who wants to work on their professional or personal growth and development. Our clients include directors of multinational companies, business owners, sole proprietors, managers, specialists, but also women on maternity leave, people who need a career change or any shift.
Individual coaching is also very suitable for clients of team coaching or complex transformation programs. During these team activities, it often happens that clients encounter some individual barriers or topics that they need to understand and process. After that, they can fully participate and continue the process of team coaching or transformation program.
Coaching, on the other hand, is not intended for people who need to cope with some trauma, loss, anxiety or other mental problems. If these problems bother you, our psychotherapy specialists will be happy to help you.
How does the meeting go?
At the introductory meeting, we will clarify exactly the topic we will be working on. We will agree whether the cooperation will be specifically targeted and limited to a given topic or whether it will be a longer-term cooperation. Subsequently, we will agree on the framework of the meeting and also their form. We prefer the first meeting in personal form, then it is possible to combine personal and online forms of meetings.
How many meetings are needed?
It always depends on the agreement and the needs of the client. In some cases, only one session is needed. However, long-term cooperation is also possible, which is not purely specifically focused on one specific goal, but we focus on the current needs of the client as they come in time.