Treatment of pelvic floor disorders

Diagnosis or therapy for more complicated pelvic floor disorders is performed by a specialist, lecturer of professional courses Mgr. Michaela Havlíčková.

Other Be Balanced physiotherapists also specialize in this issue. We recommend using earlier dates with them. Our physiotherapists have the opportunity to consult their patients with Mgr. Havlíčková, if necessary, it is always possible to arrange a consultation with Mgr. Havlíčková.

Do you feel a weakening of the pelvic floor after childbirth?
Do you have trouble leaking urine during sports?

How do pelvic floor disorders manifest themselves?
• Urinary/stool incontinence
• Pelvic/coccyx/sacrum pain
• Painful menstruation/cycle disorders
• Sexual dysfunction, functional sterility

Who is most at risk?
• Women in pregnancy and after childbirth
• Women after gynecological operations
• Women in menopause
• Persons with chronic respiratory diseases, persons suffering from disorders       of the digestive tract
• Overweight, physically demanding work, smokers


For successful treatment of the pelvic floor, it is necessary that we first learn to perceive these muscles and engage them in isolation. The work of the pelvic floor also depends on the quality of the position of other parts of the musculoskeletal system, especially the feet, hips and pelvis.Therefore, to achieve a long-term effect, it is necessary to influence the holding of these parts. Newly acquired skills also need to be incorporated into normal daily activities.

Léčba je možná, prevence je snazší. Klademe důraz na komplexní přístup.

What do we do?
• Examination and diagnosis of pelvic floor muscles
• Practicing the correct involvement of the pelvic floor muscles
• Treatment of other parts of the musculoskeletal system
• The use of devices that will give you feedback on the work of your muscles, in the event of a complete muscle failure, we can lend you a device for electrostimulation at home
• Involvement of the pelvic floor in more demanding activities

You can learn more about problems with the pelvic floor, how to test yourself, as well as how to exercise, in these articles:

Pelvic floor, myths about exercise and how are you doing?

The pelvic floor, even if it is not visible, do not forget about it!

Leakage of urine in men, or incontinence is not just a female topic.

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